Sunday, June 21, 2009

What and Why?

What are traditional foods and why have I decided to feed my family a traditional diet.

Traditional foods are food prepared in a manner similar to the way our ancestors prepared foods. They are foods consumed in their natural state and prepared using traditional methods such lacto-fermentation, and soaking and fermenting grains and legumes before consumption. Butter, lard, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and Coconut Oil are used rather than margarine, vegetable oils.

The health benefits are plenty. Consuming food that is traditionally prepared allows the body to use the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that occur naturally and are much more easily digested and used than their processed counterparts.

Food consumes raw contain delicate enzymes that are destroyed by heat, while soaking and fermenting grains rids them of compounds that inhibit digestion, and again makes nutrients more available to the body.

From the Weston A Price Foundation Principles of Healthy Eating Brochure:

"What's Wrong With "Politically Correct" Nutrition?

"Avoid saturated fats."
Saturated fats play many important roles in the body. They provide integrity to the cell wall, promote the body's use of essential fatty acids, enhance the immune system, protect the liver and contribute to strong bones. The lungs and the kidneys cannot work without saturated fat. Saturated fats do not cause heart disease. In fact, saturated fats are the preferred food for the heart. Because your body needs saturated fats, it makes them out of carbohydrates and excess protein when there are not enough in the diet.

"Limit cholesterol."
Dietary cholesterol contributes to the strength of the intestinal wall and helps babies and children develop a healthy brain and nervous system. Foods that contain cholesterol also provide many other important nutrients. Only oxidized cholesterol, found in most powdered milk and powdered eggs, contributes to heart disease. Powdered milk is added to 1% and 2% milk.

"Use more polyunsaturated oils."
Polyunsaturates in more than small amounts contribute to cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, learning disabilities, intestinal problems and premature aging. Large amounts of polyunsaturated fats are new to the human diet, due to the modern use of commercial liquid vegetable oils. Even olive oil, a monounsaturated fat considered to be healthy, can cause imbalances at the cellular level if consumed in large amounts.

"Avoid red meat."
Red meat is a rich source of nutrients that protect the heart and nervous system; these include vitamins B12 and B6, zinc, phosphorus, carnitine and coenzyme-Q10.

"Cut back on eggs."
Eggs are nature's perfect food, providing excellent protein, the gamut of vitamins and important fatty acids that contribute to the health of the brain and nervous system. Americans had less heart disease when they ate more eggs. Egg substitutes cause rapid death in test animals.

"Restrict salt."
Salt is crucial to digestion and assimilation. Salt is also necessary for the development and function of the nervous system.

"Eat lean meat and drink lowfat milk."
Lean meat and lowfat milk lack fat-soluble vitamins needed to assimilate the protein and minerals in meat and milk. Consumption of lowfat foods can lead to depletion of vitamin A and D reserves.

"Limit fat consumption to 30 percent of calories."
Thirty percent calories as fat is too low for most people, leading to low blood sugar and fatigue. Traditional diets contained 30 percent to 80 percent of calories as healthy fats, mostly of animal origin.

"Eat 6-11 servings of grains per day."
Most grain products are made from white flour, which is devoid of nutrients. Additives in white flour can cause vitamin deficiencies. Whole grain products can cause mineral deficiencies and intestinal problems unless properly prepared.

"Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day."
Fruits and vegetables receive an average of 10 applications of pesticides, from seed to storage. Consumers should seek out organic produce. Quality counts!

"Eat more soy foods."
Modern soy foods block mineral absorption, inhibit protein digestion, depress thyroid function and contain potent carcinogens."

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