I loooooooove Mediterranean food, so of course one of the first recipes I wanted to try out of Nourishing Traditions was Falafel. They tasted wonderful, but it was just one disaster in my kitchen after another. The recipe recommends dividing the recipe in fourths and processing 1/4 at a time in the food processor. Well I have a nifty Quad Blade food processor, so I decided to dump it all in and give it a go. The lid to the Quad Blade broke the first time I tried to use it, so my husband has to jury rig it to get it to work, no big deal. So I get it all chopped up and put it in the fridge for an hour to set up. Then the trouble begins. Last night was just a bad night for me in the kitchen. The falafel was crumbling as I tried to fry them, I burnt my fingers getting them out of the oil, I cut my finger slicing cucumbers, and the food processor died while I was trying to make sauce. They tasted good, though, which is all that matters. Bug, refused to eat it, but little man couldn't get it in fast enough.
As for my sourdough. I thought I'd update you all on how this is going. I started it last Sunday, and it takes 7 days. At first it smelled like a wet field, but now it has a distinct sourdough smell to it. The book calls it a "wine-like aroma" It does sort of resemble wine. I was really nervous about how this was going to turn out, but now I'm optomistic. I'll post more on Sunday after I bake it.
Last Sunday I also started lacto-fermented Ginger Carrots. They were finished on Wednesday. When I first tasted them they were very sour, but they mellowed out quite a bit after going in the fridge. You are supposed to eat lacto-fermented vegetables as a condiment, so this jar is going to last forever.
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